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Primary Investment Area

Primary Investment Area of MedVenture Partners

MedVenture Partners’ primary investment area is in innovative medical devices, including digital therapeutic devices.
We particularly focus on startups developing medical treatment devices.

Primary Investment Area of MedVenture Partners Image

Investment Metrics : “Distance to Life”

We use Investment Metrics called “Distance to Life,” determined by the potential impact of the medical device affecting treatment for a life-threatening condition.

The more life-threatening (i.e. closer to life) the clinical need addressed by the device, the higher the price point given to the device. If efficacy and safety profile is proved in the clinical trials, the medical device will be listed in the treatment guidelines, meaning the device will save more lives.

On the other hand, wellness products for prevention utilizing smartphones and sensors are “more distant from life,” thus they are given lower price points. Sales & marketing efforts become extremely important for obtaining the level of revenue and profit required for a successful exit.

Investment Metrics : “Distance to Life” Image


If you are thinking about starting up a medical device business, please feel free to contact us.

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